Fantasy Baseball Week Twenty-Two

Another win.  This week it was against Happy Valley Swagger.  I beat him 6-4.  The nice thing about this is that I jumped into fifth place over Gideon.  Which means this week in the first round of the playoffs, I get to play HVS again.  Just a little bit nervous.

My pitching would have been phenomenal if not for Broxton, Lewis, and Dickey.  Those two brought a mid 2.00 ERA to a 4.20 ERA.  Thanks dickheads.

For awhile it seemed like the two rookies (Jackson and Heyward) were going into a tailspin.  I am so glad that I kept them.  They both hit over .400, 12 Runs, 2 HRs, and 10 RBIs.  Thank you guys. 

Author: Ngewo

2 thoughts on “Fantasy Baseball Week Twenty-Two

  1. This is one of those times I hate. You know, when that one week months ago where you forgot to set you pitcher and they do well, which would’ve caused you to win or tie in wins and ERA, but you’re like whatever, cuz it’s not like the positioning is gonna come down to half a game or anything…

    I’m sure this happened to other people too, but I don’t care about other people.

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