Star Wars/Calvin & Hobbes

If someone combines two of my favorite things, you know damn well I am going to write about it here! These are from Brian Kesinger and they are awesome. If they made these into a book, I would definitely buy it.

han and kylo The-Force-Awakens-Calvin-and-Hobbes-3-01072016-466x500 The-Force-Awakens-Calvin-and-Hobbes-4-01072016 The-Force-Awakens-Calvin-and-Hobbes-5-01072016-500x500 The-Force-Awakens-Calvin-and-Hobbes-Featured-01072016

This next one is my favorite since it really takes that iconic Calvin & Hobbes image and makes it with Kylo Ren and Darth Vader. It is adorable.


Author: Ngewo