La Brea–Second Episode Is Terrible…

Sometimes I write about TV shows. I used to write about my favorite shows and I would generally write something immediately after watching a new episode. But the days of watching network shows on the night they air is over. The last few years I have been writing about shows after I watch a season or even a whole series. I am always hoping that a new show will come out and capture that old feeling. I thought maybe this year it would be La Brea. HAHAHAHA, it was not. I watched the first two episodes and it was awful. Here are my thoughts about the second episode.

-The CGI is atrocious. They must have spent the entire budget on the sink hole in the first episode and maybe on the dire wolves, which did not look too terrible. But then comes the second episode and the saber-tooth tiger. Wow, it looked so incredibly fake. 

-Okay, so Gavin (I think that is his name) found his wife’s wedding ring. So he takes it to a scientist and tells him to radiocarbon date it. A wedding ring. Those of you that do not study archaeology probably do not get this one. Radiocarbon dating only works on material containing organic material. When I was in Jordan, we sent back samples of burnt wood. Anyways, the scientist calls back a few hours later and says that the sample is from 10,000 BC. Ughhhhhh…

-Stoner Boy turns out to be an anthropologist. He will know everything about that time period. It would be funnier if he was like “actually, I study cultural anthropology. I have been living with a tribe in South America for the past six months.” Also, my guess is that when the survivors run into the humans there (if they do not turn out to be some weird group that also fell down a sinkhole), he will be able to understand their language because it will be close to some language he studied that would have descended from the first people who crossed the Bering Strait. Can I tell you how ridiculous that is? Languages evolve and change quickly. Check out Middle English, which would only be 500 years old…

man com & se how schal alle dede li: wen þow comes bad & bare
noth hab ven ve awaẏ fare: All ẏs wermēs þt ve for care:—
bot þt ve do for godẏs luf ve haue nothyng yare:
hundyr þis graue lẏs John þe smẏth god yif his soule heuen grit”

Can you read that? What makes you think anyone could understand a language that would have been changing for the last 12,000 years???

-The cop story line was the most predictable thing ever. I said to Samson “I bet the guy this cop is searching for will turn out to be her son, who is running drugs.” And then it happened.

-The green energy rifts look like weird glowy green vaginas. Just sayin’.

-Gavin and his daughter seem awfully accepting of this weird ability to see into the past. “Hey dad, what’s mom doing right now on the weird prehistoric TV in your head?” 

-I love that the mom asks Josh “how ya feeling?” I wish his answer would have been “I was just bitten by a dire wolf, how do you think I am feeling???”

Yeah, a really dumb show. I will not be wasting my time on episode three. 

Author: Ngewo