Are People Really This Dumb?

I always laugh when the president does something crazy/idiotic/shocking and the news media acts like it is so crazy, idiotic, and shocking. It has been over two years, there is not too much he can do that should shock people who have been following the news.

Do not get me wrong, I do not mean that we should not be upset or outraged. But hearing these reporters say things like “can you believe the president would do ___________?” Yes, I can believe it. 

Today it was something about his meeting with Schumer and Pelosi. Trump basically acted like an idiot and said that he would shut the government down if he did not get his wall. He said it multiple times. What cracked me up was watching Anderson Cooper say things like “but can you believe that the president would own a government shutdown like that?” 

Come on Anderson! You are a smart guy, you know full well that Trump will say and do anything. You know that if he shuts the government down, it will not hurt him. Stop acting like this is the first time Trump has said or done something insane. 

Author: Ngewo