Does This Make Sense?

Alleged children sex trafficker, Jeffrey Epstein killed himself in prison and naturally since he had a connection to Bill Clinton, this has been pinned on him and Hillary as another notch in their kill list. If you want a good summary of why this conspiracy theory is stupid, here is a great Skeptoid episode about it

The whole thing just makes zero sense when you actually break it down. The person who did the most damage to the Clintons was Monica Lewinsky and yet…she is alive and well. Or how come Obama did not suffer some accident after winning in Iowa? That would have assured Hillary the nomination in 2008. And if these kill squads are so damn good, that they could take out Epstein, why not just make it look like Trump had a heart attack (he is fat, would it be that far out of the realm of possibility)? 

Maybe…and this is a pretty crazy theory here, so just stick with me…maybe, Epstein realized he was going to jail for a VERY long time and guys like him do not fare so well in prison. Maybe the idea of going to jail as child sex trafficker was a little much for him and he decided to end his life. I know, it is definitely crazy. Possibly, the guards knew he was a suicide risk and just did not care, maybe they figured that one less pedophile in the world was not a bad thing. Nah, that is way too out there, definitely a Clinton Kill Squad sent into the prison to murder him and make it look like a suicide.

Author: Ngewo