Know Your President: Week Nineteen

Party: Whig

Fact One: Third shortest presidency. Died after being in office for 492 days.

Fact Two: The last president to own slaves while in office. 

Fact Three: Despite being a southern slave owner, he wanted to preserve the country and wanted to find compromises over slavery. This led him to side with northern antislavery leaders over issues regarding slavery in territories.

Fact Four: Coined the term “First Lady” while giving a eulogy for Dolly Madison.

Fact Five: Signed a treaty with Great Britain that would prevent either country from claiming control of any inter-oceanic canal built in Central America.

Quotes: “I have always done my duty. I am ready to die. My only regret is for the friends I leave behind me.”
“I have no private purpose to accomplish, no party objectives to build up, no enemies to punish-nothing to serve but my country.”


Author: Ngewo