Know Your President: Week Twenty-Eight

Party: Republican

Fact One: This president appointed two Supreme Court Justices. He was the last president to have his appointment confirmed, but then decline the actual seat. Probably should have consulted the guy first.

Fact Two: Ushered in civil service reform, which was a major issue during the time. This helped create the modern bureaucracy. Or the Deep State, if you are into scary sounding words.

Fact Three: This president vetoed a bill that would have denied Chinese immigrants citizenship and banned immigration for twenty years. He renegotiated the number to ten years. 

Fact Four: Signed the Edmunds Act into law, which made polygamy illegal. Mormons were not pleased.

Fact Five: Wanted to protect the civil rights of black Southerners, but Congress would not pass a new Civil Rights bill. 

Bonus Fact: “What is 21 out of 42?” You get one bonus point if you give me the movie…

“I may be President of the United States, but my private life is nobody’s damned business!”
“Men may die, but the fabric of our free institutions remains unshaken.”
“If it were not for the reporters, I would tell you the truth.”


Author: Ngewo