The Facebook Experiment

Facebook sucks! Everybody says it and yet we all continue to use it. These recent whistleblower leaks have been eye opening for many people, but for those of us that have been paying attention, not all that shocking. 

Sadly, I notice the effects of Facebook on me. I love getting those likes and comments on my pictures or posts. I check Facebook constantly. It disgusts me how often I check it. 

The worst thing though? I get really angry over posts. Usually political. Sadly, sometimes from either side. I have liberal friends who post things and I get annoyed. Then I have conservative friends who post things and I get pissed. I get mad and then guess what happens? I take it out on my family. Instead of commenting on someone’s post and saying “you’re a freakin’ idiot!” I get short with my wife and kids. They ask me something and I snap at them because I am mad about a bunch of dumb comments on some stupid post. It sounds utterly insane to type that out. But it is the truth. And I am sure there are many of you in the same boat. 

The other day I was up early for something and I was checking Facebook while brushing my teeth. I saw a post from a friend about something harmless. Then I read a comment on the post. It made me mad and I responded. The other person must have been awake because they replied immediately and we were going back & forth about something so stupid. I was actually starting my day in a bad mood over something some idiot, who I do not know said about some topic I barely care about. Seriously, that is dumb. 

So I have decided to take a break. I am deleting the app from my phone and not going to use it on my laptop. My fear is that I will just replace it with Twitter and Instagram, so I will delete those apps as well. I am not deleting my accounts. I have tons of pictures on Facebook and Instagram. I am just stepping away for thirty days and I want to see two things: can I actually do it and will I feel better?

I am going to start in a few days. I want to give myself some time. For those of you that talk to me on FB Messenger, you should probably reach out to me for my Snapchat (I don’t count it as social media since I just use it as a way of texting a few people) or cell phone. I will delete Messenger as well because I figure it could be a gateway to just opening up someone’s profile, then seeing those notifications and wanting to check them all. 

You will see posts from me or from my page, but those are just my blog automatically posting to Facebook and Twitter. If you are someone who likes seeing the pictures of my kids, do not fear. Lindsey will still tag me in pictures of the kids. My tentative return to social media land is November 17th. 

Author: Ngewo