Darth Bane: Dynasty of Evil

The final book in the Darth Bane Trilogy was fantastic. Drew Karpyshyn manages to make us like horrible villains. You end up rooting for Bane and Zannah, and then realize they are monsters who will be the architects of the Jedi downfall. 

Here are some of my favorite parts of the book…

-Bane and Zannah’s final battle. First at the Stone Prison, then on Ambria. I was rooting for Zannah, and when Bane tries his final attack to take over her body, I was nervous that she might not make it. 

-When Serra tries to question Bane, and he just muddles things for her. Totally flipping her accusations against her, and twisting her ideals. It just goes to show how completely in control Bane is of his emotions and mind. I think at one point in one of the books, he says that the Sith could learn from the Jedi about tempering their passions, and using the rational mind (I could be making that up).

-Set Harth…a Dark Jedi. He was cocky and cool. I love the fight with Zannah when he pretends to be flirting with her, she is annoyed that he is just a pervy womanizer, and then he strikes. Granted, he was no match for her, but he almost took her out. I decided to see what happened to him after this book. Apparently, he masters the body transference process, and keeps jumping into clone bodies. In the Legends Universe, he was still around during the Yuuzhan Vong War. The Legends Universe is bonkers.

-I am guessing no one has ever written a Darth Zannah/Darth Cognus story. The next story in the Sith saga ends up being The Tenebrous Way, which is a short story about Darth Tenebrous, and his death at the hands of his apprentice, Darth Plagueis. I want the adventures of Zannah, and the eventual battle with Cognus. 

Author: Ngewo