Star Wars: The Acolyte Trailer

I have been looking forward to this show since the first moment I heard about it a few years ago. When I heard that Vernestra Rwoh would be one of the characters, that added another level of excitement. She has been one of my favorite characters of The High Republic books, and I look forward to seeing her as a Jedi Master (I guess that means she does not die in the battles against the Nihil).

Okay, so there is something I keep seeing people complain about with the trailer…the scene when the Jedi ignite their lightsabers against the red lightsaber that was thrown and then returns to the Sith (presumably a Sith). People keep saying that in episode one, the council says the Sith have been extinct for a thousand years. And yet here are a whole group of Jedi about to face off against one. Fans love to point out plot holes, but I do not think this is one…allow me to explain.

  1. These Jedi could have been massacred by this Sith, never reporting to the Council what happened. The Sith could have destroyed the bodies so that it was just a mystery. Remember, someone is out there killing Jedi, we know that from the beginning of the trailer. The Council would not immediately assume it was a Sith.
  2. Could this Sith end up dying against the Jedi, similar to how Darth Zannah framed someone so the Jedi did not learn about Darth Bane? The Council would probably assume it was either some crazy person trying to bring back the Sith, OR just a Dark Jedi.
  3. Yoda knew about the Rule of Two. How did he know about it? Is there a canonical explanation? Does he learn about the Master/Apprentice by the end of this show, and do what Yoda does best? Keep the information to himself. We know that during this period Yoda and the Council suppressed information about the Levelers (they did not want people to know about a creature that could easily kill Jedi–which then became a major weapon for the Nihil like 150 years later, but when they show up, none of the Jedi know anything about them). Also, Yoda could have probably mentioned to Luke that Vader was his dad…kinda like “hey Luke, before you go, I should probably tell you that Darth Vader is your dad, and he will definitely try to use that to seduce you to the Dark Side, so don’t fall for it, this information could save your life, or at the least, your hand.”
  4. If the show is trying to connect to the events in Ep. IX, then maybe this is the beginning of the cult on Exegol, so perhaps the Jedi just assume these Force users are a splinter group trying to use the Force in a different way (we know during the High Republic there were multiple groups).
  5. If the High Republic Era has taught us anything about the Jedi, particularly the Jedi Council, is that they trust too deeply in the will of the Force. You could say that it is hubris that will be their undoing.
Author: Ngewo