Decades Project: 1950s Music–1958!

My dad used to get the Time-Life Music Rock ‘n Roll Era CDs when I was a kid. They would send one every month, and for some reason they sent them in a random order. Like one month you would get 1962, then 1968, and then 1960. Of those CDs, there was one that was definitely the best: 1958! Adam and I would listen to it while playing ping-pong.

Try to picture the scene…it is the late 90s, my brother and I are in the basement about to play like five hundred games of ping-pong (Adam will win like 499 of them), and we are jamming out to the Big Bopper and Chuck Berry. It is funny to think about Payton and Logan doing the same thing in ten years, but instead of music from 1958, they are jamming to some oldies from the 1990s. Whoa…I feel old.

So kick back and enjoy some of those classics!

Author: Ngewo

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