Arrow is So Stupid

I enjoy the CW Arrow-verse shows…for the most part. Sometimes they can be a little stupid. Take a recent episode of Arrow for example. John is all pissed off at Oliver because Ollie gave up being the Green Arrow and John took over. Then John got hurt, so Ollie took it back over and has not given it back up since John is healthy. Stupid, right? However, it becomes even more idiotic when they get into a fist fight because John thinks Ollie is a bad leader because he makes bad choices.

The fight was so ridiculous. I mean, John is a superhero/vigilante. He is Spartan and yet he is all bitter because Oliver wears the hood? It is such a stupid story. And I feel like it really cheapens the John/Oliver relationship. All this time, Diggle has been pettily coveting Ollie’s outfit? Or that he wants to be the leader of the team? Blah. I will keep watching the show, but for how much longer, I have no clue.

Author: Ngewo