Silly Kid

Payton cracks me up. Getting a picture of her can be such a chore. Probably why the majority of my pictures of her lately are when she is sleeping. I gave her a cookie from work and told her she could have it if she let me take a picture. She would not stand still. This was as close as I could get to a decent picture. 

She has discovered how to lie and make up stuff. It is funny and can be a little frustrating. She will tell stories that have no basis in reality. I love them, but can be tough when you are trying to figure out where she put something. Where did you put Bah? “Umm, I think a wolf took it and put it on the car.” No, you left him in the bathroom, but cool story.

She also likes to say that me or Lindsey are her best friend. She will say “daddy, can you sit by me because we are best friends. Mommy can sit with Logan because they are best friends.” And then if she gets mad at me she will say that we are not best friends anymore. It is cute.

Hope you enjoyed this little Payton update.

Author: Ngewo