What Happens Next?

Did you know there is a presidential election this year? I know, you barely hear anything about it in the news. Okay, all jokes aside, this election has me thinking about the different scenarios. I figure there are a few possible outcomes.

-Trump wins. Yikes. Another four years. I am not in the camp that if he wins again this will end up being the last election and that America will fall as a republic. However, that does not mean I think things will be good. 

-Trump loses a very close election. I think this option scares me the most. The idea that he contests the election or does not accept the results. I am sure people will find some weird connection between some county official in one of the contested states and someone like Hunter Biden (they attended the same elementary school or something stupid). Republicans like Jim Jordan, Matt Gaetz, and the other crazy ones will scream that there needs to be investigations into something insanely minor, but they will blow it up into the end of the world. I can see this going on for like a few months and Trump supporters being totally for it. 

-The other option is the one that piques my curiosity. What if Trump loses in a landslide? Like a domino effect happens and we see Florida, Georgia, Texas swing blue. If Biden wins those, then it is pretty much a sure bet that he has won Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin. At that point it would be hard for even the most crazy Trump supporters in Congress to try and defend any kind of contentious language. Trump would be forced to just leave. 

What happens to his supporters though? I cannot remember seeing anything like the MAGA crowd. Giant flags and banners they hang from their houses. There are businesses in this area that have enormous banners that say things like “Trump 2020, Fuck Your Feelings!” I cannot tell you how many cars I see with that bumper sticker at the daycare. Do those people just take all of that stuff down? What about the people who paint MAGA on their house? Do they just repaint the house? 

Or do these people just double-down on their fanaticism? Will they push for Donald Trump Jr. to run in 2024? Will Trump buy OAN and start his own Trump News Network? Imagine the insanity spouted from something like that…

I have never seen anything like the cult of Trump. I doubt there were such fanatics for Rutherford B. Hayes or Millard Fillmore. Not going to find too many people with that tattooed on their back from the olden days.

Time will tell how this ends. Either the cult ends and maybe the country can begin to heal, or they continue and just further divide us.

Author: Ngewo