The Case of the Missing Tooth

The other day I came home from work and as I was talking to Payton, I thought maybe there was something stuck to her tooth. Or that maybe she was eating something. I asked what she had in her mouth and she responded nothing. 

I took a look and guess what I saw? No tooth. Somehow Payton has lost her first tooth. I asked her if she fell or hit her face, but she said no. We contacted the daycare and they said nothing abnormal happened the previous day. 

Unfortunately, Payton is not a reliable narrator. When asked, she gave us a bunch of crazy answers. She said she knew it fell out. That she did not know. That she hid it in her bed. She hid it in my bed. She put it in her playroom. After a few minutes, I gave up on the interrogation. 

I have no clue if it is normal for a three year old to lose a tooth, especially when it wasn’t one that got knocked out. It will be weird if loses her teeth now and gets those adult teeth this early.

Author: Ngewo