A Puke Story

Logan’s daycare picture, he looks so serious

Vomit. Such a wonderful thing. This is a puke story. Actually, this is two puke stories. BUT, since I am a nice guy, I will not include pictures. Instead, you get pictures of Logan & Payton.

Last night I was watching television while the kids were in bed (Independence Day was on HBO “welcome to earf!”) and Lindsey was downstairs on the treadmill. Logan woke up and started crying. That is not abnormal. If he wakes up crying, we give it a minute or two and he just falls asleep.

Unfortunately, after a few minutes, he started screaming louder and yelling for mommy. I went in and guess what? Logan was covered in vomit.

Quick aside…I have developed a nasty gag reflex. I used to have no problem touching disgusting, nasty things. Seriously, I could clean anything up and not be bothered. Now though? Yeah, I retch at the most mundane things. If I touch a wet french fry, I almost hurl. Okay, back to the story.

Payton’s daycare picture

I yelled for Lindsey and she came up. I was holding Logan in the bathroom and we cleaned him up. We had to give him a quick bath. His crib was nasty, so we tossed everything in the washer. Logan was crying and would not let go of Lindsey, so we put him in our bed. He started crying and after a few minutes, he ended up throwing up again. This time it was all over Lindsey and the bed. I had clean everything up. It was very difficult. I almost puked cleaning up the little chunks. Ughhhh.

Logan did not want to fall asleep after that and kept moving around our bed. Eventually he crawled out of bed and slept on the floor.

No idea what was wrong. Maybe he ate something that was slightly bad (our power was out, the milk smelled fine and tasted fine to me, but maybe he was more sensitive).

We have been fairly lucky with the vomit. Payton did the spit up thing as a baby, but never puked as she was grew older. Logan was totally the opposite. He would spew up his bottles all the time. I may have written about a few awful encounters I had with his bottle vomit.

The team photo came out well, especially since we were not together for the picture

We had our first Payton experience a few weeks ago. Lindsey and the kids went to a friend’s house for a fire. Apparently, Payton drank like fifty juiceboxes and ate a ton of candy and junkfood. Guess what happened? Yep, she puked and wakes up screaming. We were asleep and I heard her screaming. I ran into her room without my glasses. She was crying, so I thought she must have peed the bed.

I asked her what was wrong and she was like “I don’t know!” She had no clue what happened, but she knew that it was gross. We cleaned her up and I put everything in the washer. She ended up sleeping in our bed. Do not worry, she just slept, no more puking. Just her normal kicking and moving around all night long.

Four years with basically no chunky puke and then twice in the matter of a month. Kids are so much fun.

Author: Ngewo