Star Wars: The High Republic–The Rising Storm

As I mentioned in an earlier postThe High Republic is doing a fantastic job of setting up how someone like Palpatine could rise up amidst the Jedi and take control of the galaxy. Some of the stuff I was talking about came The Rising Storm, which I recently finished. I feel like I need to start reading the comics because it definitely felt like I was missing a few things, but other than that, the book was great.

I loved the idea of a mercenary who was a former Jedi (cannot wait to find out the full story of Ty Yorrick). I have always wondered what happens to all the padawans who do never pass their trials or progress to full Knight. As we have seen, padawans are fairly badass, especially as they come close to that next level. 

I also really enjoyed Elzar Mann’s story. His attachment to Avar Kriss definitely has him flirting with the Dark Side of the Force. Also, as we saw, the Jedi are not celibate. They just cannot form an attachment (sex may be frowned upon, but it did not seem like Elzar would be excommunicated for sleeping with Samera…he was just more worried about her being upset that it was just a fling). I just wonder if Elzar will fall eventually and maybe he ends up being the one to revive the Sith or he becomes a Sith apprentice…

The final thing I want to mention is Marchion Ro and his plan for the Nihil. I do not know what the Great Leveler is…yeah, I get that it is a creature, but how did it turn Loden to stone? It overwhelmed Bell Zettifar. It disrupts the connection to the Force, but it also seems to overwhelm the senses with dread. I cannot wait to learn more about this one. Also, am I the only one who is kind of rooting for Marchion Ro?

Author: Ngewo