Name That City Pt. 23

Population: 1.47 million
Nickname: ex Villa Maicera (former Corn Village)
History Fact: When the Spanish arrived in this fairly populous city, they found an area that was in the midst of a decline due to wars with nomadic tribes. 
Tourist Fact: There is a 16th century image of the Virgin Mary in this city, inside the Basilica of…well it’s named after the city. Pope John Paul II made a point to visit this famous site. But if you are not into church stuff, you can head outside the city and see the La Cola de Caballo waterfall or Ixcatán Geysers. There is also an archaeological site that has a pyramid!
Name Fact: The name of this city means “among the sapote trees”

Be honest, you thought Mexico City, Juarez, and Tijuana were the only cities in Mexico…

Created on By Ngewo

Quiz Pt. 23

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What Mexican city is this?

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Author: Ngewo