Passages (Destiny’s Crucible Book #6)

I think this was probably my favorite book of the series. I think Olan Thorensen did a much better job with this book than some of the previous ones by making it feel like the main character was in danger at times and that he is not some kind of god who can solve all the problems. Mark Caldwell is a more complicated character than Yozef, which in the end makes him more interesting. 

Some of the things I enjoyed…

-Mark and Joseph seem to have different abilities from the aliens. Joe has a weird memory recall. Like he can remember pages from books he read years ago (which is used as the worst kind of deus ex machina). Mark’s body is de-aged a bit. It also seems that his mind did not get the memory ability, but maybe his muscle memory has that recall. He does not say that he was still constantly weightlifting or wrestling all these years, but his body is able to just quickly adapt and dive right into both. Mark may also have some enhanced sense like hearing and vision. Also, Heather seems to have an enhanced musical sense. 

-Heather and Joseph were onboard the spaceship much longer than Mark. I wonder if his is the longest time spent on the planet or do any other survivors have him beat?

-The difficulty of the journey. Traveling across the world during the 1700s would have been next to impossible. Thorensen does a great job of showing some of the possible dangers a family would face in this kind of quest. 

-It is funny that in the last few books that Joseph has complained about wishing he had an engineer to help him achieve some of his goals. Funny that Mark just drops into his lap. 

So yeah, I liked the book and I cannot wait to read the next one now.

Author: Ngewo