
We always have great luck with animals in our house. Ebensburg was bad. We had a bat, a mouse, a dead mouse, another dead mouse….we have been fortunate so far in Richland (I mean, minus the water in the basement, maybe there were fish there). But I am sure you figured out where this is going. You got it. Today we had a visitor. A chipmunk.

I was putting dishes away, and it sounded like something rustled this bag of apples we have on the counter. Lindsey said that she kept hearing it too when she was helping Payton with something. I thought maybe there was a bug in the bag, flying around. I grabbed the bag, and as I did, a chipmunk jumped out and leapt past me, and ran into the playroom. I screamed, and then chased after it. 

It hid somewhere, and I had to get it out. Payton and I pulled everything out of the playroom and did not see it anywhere. I thought I knew where it went. There was a gap by the heater and I figured there must be a hole to the garage. I went to show Lindsey, but then I saw what looked like a tail, and I poked it with a toy lightsaber, and guess what? Yep, it was the chipmunk. It ran around a bit more, and no one saw where it went. Ugh. 

We searched again, but to no avail. Then we set up a little trap. I took some of the apples and cut them up. I smeared peanut butter inside a box. I made a trail of apples into the box. Then Lindsey suggested setting up Logan’s camera and monitor to watch for it. 

Everyone went to bed, and I waited patiently. Eventually he came out and I watched him nibble on the apples, then head into the box. I grabbed the box, and before I could close the lid, the damn chipmunk jumped out, and ran to hide. UGHHHHH. 

I decided to open the door, and leave the box at the edge. Again, after a while, the chipmunk came back and went into the box. I ran over and tried to slam the door shut, but the wreath on the door caused it to bounce a bit, and you know what? The chipmunk ran back inside. UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.

I then set it all up again, but this time moved the box further out onto the porch, with a little trail of apples. Twenty minutes later, the damn thing was back. I waited until it went into the box and was licking at the peanut butter. I walked over slowly, and shut the door calmly. Then I went out through the garage to retrieve the box. The chipmunk ran away into the woods. YAYYYY!!!!!!!!

Animals are so much fun.

Author: Ngewo