Bluey–The Sign

Have you watched the last few episodes of Bluey? There has been a cool subplot running throughout the last bunch of episodes that all comes to a head in “The Sign.”  If you have not watched the third season, I would suggest skipping this post, unless you do not care about spoilers. Also, if you do not pay attention to the episodes, what the hell are you doing with your life? Such a great show.

So in the previous episodes, something happens to Bandit. The family is at the beach, and he is distracted. Chilli tells him to let it go. Then he and Bingo make the stick bird, and when the kids come and destroy it, Bandit says that sometimes you put something beautiful in the world, and other people do not realize the beauty and just ruin it.

In “The Sign”, we learn that the family is going to move because Bandit found a better paying job across the country. So here is my theory on what happened. We know that Bandit is an archaeologist. I do not think he ever specifically says it, but there are plenty of clues throughout the series (and the creator’s brother is an archaeologist). My guess is that he wrote a book or paper, that ended up getting poorly reviewed. Or a site he was looking to get funded was cut. It could not have been something that was so destructive to his career because Chilli is like “oh get over it!”

Bandit took Bluey’s advice at the beach, and took all of his stress and anger, balled it up and tossed it in the ocean. But I am guessing he came home, and decided to start looking for a new job. He found one, and the family would have to sell the house and move. But if you watched the extra-long episode, you know that things happen and the family ends up staying.

Just an amazing show…

Author: Ngewo

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