Experiment! (Alternative Title: Josh is a Dick)

I decided to try something on Facebook. I wondered if people actually look at pictures that their friends post. I downloaded a random picture of a baby (I think I Googled “random baby boy”) and posted it. 

It did not take long before the likes and loves started coming in. Then the comments: “adorable” “so cute” “love him!” Next thing I know, over seventy people liked it. My brother and wife pointed out that I picked a kid who looked a little too close to Logan. My bad.

I think this illustrates how addicted we can be to “likes.” I am totally guilty of it too. I like peoples pictures because they like mine. I wonder how many of you liked that picture because I liked a picture of your kid? Again, do not think I am criticizing anyone, like I said, I am just as guilty. However, I am trying to be better. 

Okay, enough of the experiment. Here are some surefire signs that this is not my kid:

1) There is an Instagram handle watermark right in the center of the picture.

2) It is almost summer time. The weather when I posted the picture was close to 80° and this kid is wearing a hoodie and it looks like he has a blanket. I normally have Logan in a onesie and no sleeves. 

3) He is wearing a flat-billed hat. I would never allow that sort of nonsense in this house. If Logan ever comes home with his hat like that and I will play him one of my favorite Genesis songs…

I apologize to anyone that I tricked. I will try to be more mature in the future. 

Author: Ngewo

2 thoughts on “Experiment! (Alternative Title: Josh is a Dick)

  1. I applaud you conducting social experiments on your family and friends, as well as doing your part to stop the flat hat epidemic.

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