The Pepper Incident

Have you ever sliced a jalapeno pepper? I recommend wearing gloves. The other day we made dinner from HelloFresh. It was a chicken fajita recipe and it was really good. I had to slice a jalapeno and remove the seeds. I rinsed my hands off and did not think much of it. HUGE MISTAKE!

Pretty soon my hands started to burn, so I washed them thoroughly. Later that night, I was getting ready for bed and I took out my contacts. My eyes started to immediately burn. I actually screamed out in pain. I had to get a washcloth and press it to my eyes. I looked up how to remove the juice from your hands: scalding hot water & soap, scrub vigorously, and then put rubbing alcohol on your hands. It worked!

Sadly, this is not the first time this happened. This happened way back in like 2011. Lindsey bought a bunch of sweet peppers from a farmers market. The lady there told her they were sweet and great for stuffing. I stuffed all of them and when I was finished, I went to the bathroom to pee.

During dinner, Lindsey and her dad said the peppers were somewhat spicy. I did not noticed because I was having a burning feeling in my crotch. It was actually becoming unbearable. I did not want to say anything though, how awkward would that be? 

Then I looked up and saw that Lindsey’s dad was sweating from the peppers and I took a bite and noticed that some of them were super hot (apparently half were spicy and the other half were sweet). It hit me what happened. I touched my pee-pee with those juice covered fingers when I was relieving myself! Valuable lesson learned. 

It was great having to run up to the bathroom and scrub myself in order to stop the burning. 

Author: Ngewo

2 thoughts on “The Pepper Incident

  1. Did something similar one year ago on memorial Day and ended up running my face under the sink at a party.

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