Constitution Party Candidate–Don Blankenship

Looks like the Constitution Party has decided on a candidate and they decided to step up from the last election when they picked Darrell Castle. The real question is can Blankenship pick up more votes than Castle’s 203,090? I doubt it. I wonder if a good chunk of those were protest votes? 

Do not worry, Blankenship upholds all of those wonderful CP values….c’mon, remember he was the guy who called Mitch McConnell “Cocaine Mitch” AND made some rather racist comments about Mitch’s in-laws. 

And in case you forgot, Don spent some time in jail after the Upper Big Branch Mine Disaster. He was guilty of skirting safety regulations. Yes, he is a great guy. Oh, and he claims he was a political prisoner of Obama over his incarceration…not that he did anything wrong that resulted in 29 deaths.

He got crushed in the 2018 Republican Primary for Senate in West Virginia and I do not even think the Constitution Party made it on the ballot for that race. 

Author: Ngewo