Best of 2020: Favorite Logan Moment

Logan hit some pretty big milestones this year. He turned one, he started speaking, he gives hugs and kisses, he plays with Payton and with us. My favorite thing had to be when he started walking

I know I talked about this when Payton took her first steps, but walking is one of the coolest things to me that a child does. And the cool thing in this case is how different Logan’s progression was than Payton’s. She did the wobbly steps and wanted to hold our hands to walk on her own. Logan never seemed interested in that. We would try to get him to walk back and forth to us and it would just fail. 

Once he started walking though, he quickly went from walking to running. I recently watched a video of Payton at age 2 walking in the snow and Logan walks better than her even though he is younger. She may have him beat with words at that age, but Logan definitely has the leg up…oh jeez, I won’t even finish that joke. 

The cooler thing is that now, Logan likes to fight me. I know, that sounds crazy, but hear me out. Payton likes to wrestle with me. She jumps on my back, tries to beat me up. It is a fun game we play. Logan has now started to participate. He will run at me and rescue his sister. If I am facing him, he runs straight into my chest (basically an extreme chest bump). He will bounce off and go “huuuuhhhh.” He cracks me up when he does it. His other move is to grab me from behind and try to bite my back. Not cool.

Author: Ngewo

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