Some Ranty Stuff

Some things have been bothering me lately. They are all sort of related and hopefully if I start writing about them, maybe I will feel better. Or maybe I will be more annoyed. Who the hell knows???

Trump Impeachment
The second impeachment trial for the former president ended the other day with the vote to convict coming in at 57-43, which is ten short of the 2/3rds needed. That is actually closer than I thought it would get. I did not expect any Republicans to vote for impeachment. So….yay for progress?

Here is what bothers me: the way people on the left are acting. I keep seeing friends and people I follow freaking out that Republicans voted against impeachment. Like they are totally shocked! Have they not been paying attention to the GOP for the past…oh I don’t know, forty years? Maybe longer? Stop being outraged that they would choose self-interest over our country. 

The Gina Carano Firing
I think everyone has heard by now that Disney fired Gina Carano for her social media posts. I need to start off by saying that I never really thought Gina was the greatest actress in the world or anything, but the character was decent. And look, I get that there are consequences for actions, but I do not know if firing her was the right move. Hear me out for a second.

First of all, I do not think the tweet comparing the Holocaust to the way conservatives are being treated as anti-Semitic. I mean, it was a stupid comparison and she should be mocked for it, but I did not read it and think “well, she hates Jewish people!” 

Yes, she has terrible opinions and she posted a bunch of dumb anti-mask shit, but I just do not think it was something that warranted being fired. And that brings me to the thing that seems to have truly ruffled everyone’s feathers: her use of pronouns. She put something like beep/boop/bop or whatever in her bio. It was clearly a joke and yet everyone in the world got offended. Oh my god, she’s transphobic! And guess what? Her costar, Pedro Pascal explained to her the importance of pronouns and if I remember correctly, she apologized and said she had never thought about it.

What bothers me is that it seems like she was just misinformed. By firing her though, she becomes a martyr for the conservatives. She will now go further right and be vindicated by the right-wing media. Everyone is so excited to kick another person to the curb, but all it ever does is cause them become worse people. 

Look, I do not have an answer here. I just find it weird that the people who were so upset about James Gunn’s firing are also so happy about Carano’s firing. Yeah, his stuff was joking and it was years ago, but when you read Gunn’s Tweets, they seem gross. If Gina had said she was just joking about her meme sharing, would that have made it better? Also, I think that is something else that bothers me, she was supposedly going to Disney to apologize and they decided to fire her. Again, definitely it was their right to fire her, but I don’t know if it’s a great idea to fire people based on what they retweet. 

Chris Pratt Idiocy
This one really just pisses me off. It all started with a simple post about having to get rid of one of the Chrises Chris’s famous actors named Chris. Immediately people started commenting about how Pratt needed to go because he is conservative. Or at least people assume. He apparently belongs to some awful church that believes in praying the gay away or something. He also did not do any of the cast stuff where they campaigned for Joe Biden and other Democratic candidates. I guess that is a crime now.

From what I have read, he turned to Jesus because of his drug/alcohol issues. If it worked, good for him. Know who else belongs to an awful church? Joe Biden. Yep, he is a Catholic and they have a horrible track record with young children. Does that mean Joe Biden is a bad person? Nope. Just like Chris Pratt is not a bad person because the church he belongs to has some fucked up beliefs (all churches do, so deal with it). 

Who gives a shit if he is conservative? I remember after the first Guardians of the Galaxy, when he was showing up at children’s hospitals in his Star-Lord costume, everyone loved him. I do not care about his politics. I still love watching him in Parks and Rec and the MCU. 

I think I am done ranting. I know some of you disagree with me on this stuff. What I want to see is consistency. If you have been reading this site for awhile, you probably know that I hate hypocrisy. Do not cheer on conservatives that are “canceled”, but then be upset when it is a liberal. I did not think James Gunn deserved to be fired back then and I do not think Gina Carano should have been fired. Consistency is all I am asking for in life.

Author: Ngewo