Someone Special Dance–Year 2

Last Friday was the Someone Special Dance. You may remember this from last year. After witnessing the insanity of kids running around for a few hours, I was not nearly as excited this year. Also, Payton kept saying that maybe Mommy should take her, since I went last year. Eventually we explained that I would go with her, and Lindsey would go with Logan next year. 

We went with Adam and Em, but this time we went to dinner at a very fancy restaurant. During the week, Adam asked me where I wanted to go, and I said anywhere was fine, and we could go to Capri again. I told Payton, and she goes “Em and I have discussed it, and we want to go to Panera!” I told Adam, and he said that is fine. Although, we both tried to convince our daughters to go somewhere else…it did not work. 

I will say that Payton was more excited this year about taking pictures than last year. She wanted some inside, then wanted to find a nice spot outside. Once the pictures were done, Adam picked us up (my car was in the shop, which will become important later) and we ate dinner. 

The dance was fun, granted it was exactly like last year. You know, the girls ran around, and us guys stood around talking. Next year we get to go as a whole family. I cannot wait to see how Logan behaves. Will he run around like a crazy kid, or will he cling to us? 

Okay, so after the dance, Adam took me to the garage to pick up my car. We hopped in and as I was about to pull out, I saw a cop turning, so I let him go then pulled out. He slowed way down, and was going like five miles per hour. Then he pulls off, and lets me pass. I said to Payton that he was going to pull me over. I was so confused, I was not speeding. I used my turn signal out of the parking lot. Why was I getting pulled over.

I went past him, and the lights immediately came on. He comes to the window and says “you know why I pulled you over?” I had no clue. He goes “your headlights are off.” OHHHHH!!!! I realized the garage turned the headlights off. I keep them on always on, so I never even think about it. Plus it was well lit in the parking lot. He just laughed and said that he figured when he saw me pulling out. I turned them on and he left me go. 

Payton thought this was hilarious, and as soon as we got home, she announced to Lindsey “Dad got pulled over!” Guess I know which kid will rat me out…

Author: Ngewo

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