FamilyMy Life

Julianne and Brad’s Wedding

mapI was off this past weekend. Why you might ask? Well we had to go to the wedding of Lindsey’s cousin, Brad. He and his wife, Julianne, live way down in Maryland, so that is where we had to go.

We sometimes forget that Maryland extends as far south as it does. I mean, when someone says go Maryland, I think Cumberland, or even Baltimore. But we had to travel to Leonardtown, which is further south than Fredricksburg.

Lindsey and I worked first shift and so we did not get on the road until meeting up with Kayla and Adam2 and dropping Samson off at Lindsey’s mom’s house. We probably left around 5:30, then we had to stop and eat somewhere. We finally made it to our destination around 10:30.

We stayed at a hotel called the Island Inn and Suites in Piney Point. It was a nice place sitting on the Potomac River and I believe the St. Mary’s River. If it had been a little less windy, then it would have been the perfect spot to sit outside on a chair and enjoy the sunset.

View from the roomThat is the view of the river. Like I said, it was a pretty nice place.

Anyways, the wedding was a great time. Adam2 and I may have drank a little too much. We were both pretty drunk, but oh well, it was a good time. And the reception site was a beautiful spot. Do not believe me? Check out this picture…

wedding siteI felt like we were somewhere in Scotland or something. I know what you are thinking, “Josh, you have never been to Scotland, so how the hell do you know what it is like?” And the answer is, I don’t have a clue, but I like to pretend.

And hey, here is a picture of a good looking family. Especially before the booze kicked in…

all of usIt was a great time! Hopefully Brad and Julianne have many years of happiness. I should probably offer some sort of marital advice, since I have been such an expert for almost three months, but I do not want to give away all the secrets yet. It was a great time seeing everyone again, especially since at our own wedding there was barely any time to talk to people. Always fun times!

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